installation including hypertext, found material, printed material, 2016
exhibited in Exposure 8 - Beirut Art Center (2017)
a three-part installation exhibited during Exposure 8 : Metabolisms at the Beirut Art Center in 2016-2017.
Part 1: Index of Lost Space
a web-based installation presents a growing body of material configured as a network-timespace, a digital shadow of the city. to visit, click here.
Part 2: coastal sediment constitution, 2601
(found material, dimensions variable)
this work mines local coastal sediments for manufactured materials in various stages of erosion. With elements like glass having a life-cycle of approximately 1 million years, the work is suspended between returning to the creation of the world and suggesting possible constituents of a world in formation .
Part 3: printed material
three scenarios from the index of lost space are used as a basis for developing city-maps. maps are printed, folded and placed seamlessly and anonymously with handouts, tourist maps and promotional material in public and commercial spaces.